Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Huffington Post Adds Sports Crime Section Featuring Blacks

On February 27, 2012 I discovered the Huff Post "Sports Crime" Section (here), of the popular internet news source. Wow! A compilation of the most recent criminal troubles of US professional and collegiate athletes. And this does not even include child support cases.

It was no surprise that black males predominate the list, at nearly 80% of the featured perps. I don't think the HP is picking on black males, but I do wonder how this page matches up against all athletes, not just the top tier. I also wish they did not bury this data under sports, as though arrests are akin to game stats.

Players, teams (coaches and owners), and communities should be embarrassed and ashamed of these criminal distinctions. For the record, drugs and assault seem to be the leading categories of violations - surprise!

Features for 2/27: Murder (1), Drugs (5), Assault (6), DUI (2), False ID (1), Driving (1), Fraud (1), Child Abuse (1).

James C. Collier


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Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Was Billy Crystal's Blackface Sammy Davis Racist?

Okay, we knew this was coming big time, even though Crystal has been doing Sammy from way back in the SNL hay-days. I say Crystal is cool with his Oscar Awards Sammy. Yeah, he had to put on black-face makeup, but this ain't the blackface that should have folks up in arms. He is an impersonator, and one of the best there ever was. He is doing his thing, and isn't it great that Sammy still lives, long after he's gone. Crystal is not mocking black folks, culture, or anything else, he is really paying homage, as one great entertainer to another (as I see it). Eddie Murphy and Dave Chappelle impersonating Jewish/white guys is cool too, even though the danger zone is clearly visible.

Having said this, all the white folks who think Crystal gives them license to paint themselves up as Gangstas'. Hell no. That dog don't hunt! Impersonating takes talent and a bit, mockery is just someone acting stupid and racist - and the world hopefully is getting better at knowing the difference.

James C. Collier


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Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Anti-White Racism, Hating on Whitey And The Myth Of Black Racism

Yesterday, on the heels of the Gainesville and Santaluces white girl rants (here), and Jeremy Lin'sanity', I asked myself why people care so much about what silly teenage white girls think about blacks. With little effort, I found numerous black rants about whites, including this recent tweet by a standout Maryland high school football star, Stefon Diggs (headed to U. of Marlyland), who could not help but tweet "Everybody need to get off Jermey Lin egg roll and dumplings he's good though". (here) That was pretty stupid and racist, but I doubt the boy will lose his scholarship. If he was white, however - not so fast.

So, the question of the day is why blacks can say just about anything about whites (or Asians), while even the nuttiest, immature, whites are held to a rather impossible (it seems) standard? Now, I'm not saying that whites be allowed to spout racism, but rather that non-whites neither benefit from, or deserve a free-pass to spew anti-anybody venom. I do not subscribe to the general principle that whites have somehow forfeited the protection of not being guilty of racism by mere ethnic association. Everyone should worry that what comes out of their mouths will be judged by the same standard - racist is racist, stupid is stupid.

James C. Collier


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Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Racist Rant Part II: Santaluces HS Girls

Okay, I get it. Teen-age girls just want to be noticed, but is this really working the way they want? Should we expect more of this, because these rants are the best way to become socially popular in school? Are there a similar ilk of black, Latino, and Asian kids making these 'tubes' against whites and others, and we are just not hearing about it?

What is going on people?

James C. Collier


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Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Gainesville FL High School Girls Go On Racist Rant

Much is being made of how these two young ladies chose to achieve their fifteen minutes of fame. Unfortunately, that fame will last a lot longer than their immaturity warrants - but hey, so did a scar I got on my face from running recklessly into a dark garage at age twelve - them's the breaks!

Anyway, I think parents of all ethnic origins need to pay more attention to what their kiddies are learning and spouting, from everywhere, and try to impress upon them how certain bells-of-behavior cannot be easily un-rung, if at all. Of course, first on this list is snot-noses not making more snot-noses. However, it gets tricky when kiddies are spouting dribble that their parents too casually toss about. What then?

Well, I think parents need to use disclaimers with their kids. It should sound something like, "Hey Johnny, Suzie, or Tyree, don't repeat the s_it you hear at home, out in public, unless you want to totally eff-up your life for an internet eternity". If they need more encouragement, they can google Anthony "Chink-in-the-Armor" Frederico, formerly of ESPN mobile.

James C. Collier


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Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Obama Politics: Banks Get To Steal Homes for $2,000

If it looks and quacks like a duck, then it's a duck. Even if it is black.

The Obama Administration just pushed through a $26 billion settlement with the banking industry for 'improprieties', calling it a win for the victims of the Wall-street engineered, mortgage-backed securities, scam! Ha! How is getting your home stolen away by the bank, for a measly $2K, a win? That's something like a penny returned for every dollar stolen! The reality - it's an election year and Mr. Obama needs to manufacture some smoke to blow up Democratic voting butts, and this is it. Get ready to hear about this alleged win, over and over through November, until you puke.

A statistical sample audit of foreclosures in California showed that 85% were illegal, meaning the banks broke that law in 85 out of every 100 cases (here). AND NOT ONE BANKER HAS GONE TO JAIL! Has anyone seen Mr. Eric Holder, the Attorney General?

Considering that black people, voting for Mr. Obama in mass (past, present, and future), are at the front of the long line of hues getting ripped-off by the banks, Obama and Holder need to return their cards, and go sit in the box with Ward Connerly. After all, a duck is a duck, regardless of the color of the feathers.

James C. Collier


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Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

NY Knicks/NBA Standout Jeremy Lin Earns Spotlight

Harvard Alum and Knicks basketball star Jeremy Lin has earned all the positive attention he is getting, despite comments from idiots like boxer Floyd Mayweather, who try to detract from his recent media recognition (here).

Now I ask, how is it fine for Black folks to beam with pride from the attention received upon members challenging all manner of barriers, but if somebody else does it (in this case someone Asian), 'it ain't no big thang!'? That's just ignorant and racist. And don't tell me folks can't be racist, either.

While Mayweather clearly does not speak for all folks, his comments resemble others who are similarly stupid.

If someone says Jeremy in Oakland, the only question is if it's Black Jeremy, White Jeremy, or Asian Jeremy? - as it should be.

Hopefully, this will give nationally ranked Cal Basketball standout guard, Jorge Gutierrez (here), some inspiration in his game, too.

A wet-behind-the-ears rookie from Harvard winning an NBA game with a clutch three-pointer at the buzzer - now that's LINsane! (here)

James C. Collier


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Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Artistic Savant: Stephen Wiltshire Draws Tokyo In 360 From Memory

"The autistic savant is one of the most fascinating cognitive phenomena in psychology. "Autistic savant" refers to individuals with autism who have extraordinary skills not exhibited by most persons. Historically, individuals with these exceptional skills were called 'idiot savants,' a French term meaning unlearned (idiot) skill (savant). In a 1978 article in Psychology Today, Dr. Bernard Rimland introduced a more appropriate term 'autistic savant,' which is the current label.

The estimated prevalence of savant abilities in autism is 10%, whereas the prevalence in the non-autistic population, including those with mental retardation, is less than 1%.

There are many forms of savant abilities. The most common forms involve mathematical calculations, memory feats, artistic abilities, and musical abilities. A mathematical ability which many autistic individuals display is calendar memory. They could be asked a question like: 'What day of the week was May 22, 1961? and they can determine the answer within seconds--Monday. Others can multiply and divide large numbers in their head and can also calculate square roots and prime numbers without much hesitation.

Examples of some memory feats include: remembering everything about presidents (birth/death, term in office, names and birth dates of family members, cabinet members, etc.), memorizing the U.S. highway system, and remembering everyone's birth date, even after meeting the person once and not seeing him/her for 20 years.

Some autistic individuals with savant abilities are incredible artists. Dr. Rimland's son, Mark, is quickly establishing himself as an excellent watercolor artist. A child named Nadia drew beautiful pictures of horses, and her drawings have been compared to those of Rembrandt. Interestingly, she lost her drawing abilities when she started to learn to speak. Another artist with autism, Richard Wawro, who was described in an issue of Reader's Digest, is legally blind and draws in crayons. His works sell for up to $10,000, and even the Pope owns one of his paintings.

Music is another common savant ability. Many performers with autism have perfect pitch and also have a great memory for music. In some cases, a person can hear a classical piece once and play it back in its entirety. Tim Baley, who also has Fragile X, is a concert pianist and the piano player for Hi Hopes, a musical group of singers and performers with autism and/or mental retardation. Hi Hopes played at the Los Angeles autism conference a few years ago and have even played at the White House. (Tim's mother wrote a book about his life. If you would like to obtain a copy of her book or learn more about Tim, you can write to: Mrs. Baley, Box 8207, Anaheim, CA 92812).

The movie Rain Man exposed millions of people to autism as well as the autistic savant phenomenon. (Unfortunately, some people now have the impression that all autistic individuals have these abilities.) In the movie, Raymond displayed a great memory for ball player statistics, memorized parts of the telephone book, and counted cards in Las Vegas. One wonders why this year's national autism conference is being held in Las Vegas!

The reason why some autistic individuals have savant abilities is not known. There are many theories, but there is no evidence to support any of them. For example, Dr. Rimland speculates that these individuals have incredible concentration abilities and can focus their complete attention to a specific area of interest. Admittedly, researchers in psychology feel that we will never truly understand memory and cognition until we understand the autistic savant."


James C. Collier


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Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

Shit People Say In Oakland

A Sista' from Oakland sent this to me, saying it was hella'-funny! If you know the town, she is right.

James C. Collier


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Whitney Houston: 1963 - 2012

"The candle that burns twice as bright, burns half as long, and you burned very, very brightly...", from Blade Runner.

James C. Collier


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Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

Distorted Reality: Steve Jobs, Barack Obama et al

Much is being made about Steve Jobs, and his penchant for 'distorting reality'. This includes contributions from FBI interviews, when he was alive. Not that he needs defending - and I never personally worked for him - but I have worked closely or directly for five CEO's and feel I have good experience from which to speak.

Distorting reality is such a consistent feature of CEO's, it's almost ignorant to proper it as a negative, or dis-qualifier. I submit that the ability to do it well, however that's defined, makes it a prerequisite to extraordinary results, good and bad. Who is to say that distortion is not required in order to go places, where no one has gone before. I'm sure people thought Einstein was distorted.

The better question is if this distorted leadership is taking us someplace good - particularly in the case of our political leadership on both sides of the aisle. In this case, and whether each knew it or not, at the end of his life Jobs was definitely the teacher, Obama the student.

James C. Collier


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Senin, 06 Februari 2012

Michigan's Hoekstra Delivers Anti-Asian Debbie Spenditnow Ad

The problem with this ad, as I see it, is not the challenge it makes of US policies that support and encourage rampant thirst for cheap goods made overseas, but rather it has a Chinese woman deliver the message sarcastically, making it too easy for many dumb Americans to errantly blame Chinese people, the world over, for US troubles.

James C. Collier


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Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

Mitt Romney: Mormon Baptisms For The Dead

"Mormonism (or the doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) teaches that baptism by water is a necessary ordinance for people to return to God their Heavenly Father. Mormons assert that the ordinance must be performed in the proper way and with the authority of Christ's priesthood.

Many people have died without receiving a valid baptism, and they cannot undergo this precious ritual as mere spirits. "Because all on the earth do not have the opportunity to accept the gospel during mortality, the Lord has authorized baptisms performed by proxy for the dead. Therefore, those who accept the gospel in the spirit world may qualify for entrance into God's kingdom" One thing that should be made perfectly clear about Mormon baptisms for the dead is that each deceased soul has the personal choice to accept or reject it. There is nothing in Mormonism that states that the person who is being baptized by proxy must accept this ordinance; he or she is simply given the opportunity to choose."

More from the source...(here).

James C. Collier


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