Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

“Restoring Honor” and Social Collapse

Listening to the likes of Fox's Glenn Beck and others, some people might say that white folks are determined to earn their fair share of the blame for these eventual Divided States of America. I’m not talking just about the decision to build this country on the backs of stolen people, but rather the posture of showing that nothing about past mistakes bothers the future. Beck's cornerstone is that “Obama is a racist with deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture”.

The flip-side of the thwarting effects of black oppositional culture, (here), are those reactions, such as what we are seeing this past weekend at Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally in Washington DC, wherein white people recall the days and ways of old. Trash-talking about taking back America with ‘old fashion values’ is simply code for reinstating bad decision-making of old.

Ronald Reagan was great at helping people remember, with fondness, those times when everyone seemed to get along in America, even if only because certain people knew their place in the order and kept themselves to it. Of course, this dreamy existence was bound to be short-lived, as those at the back of the bus became less willing.

And now, all that cheap labor from south of the border is not seeming so cheap after all. Let’s have a tea party to forget the fact that white businessmen and politicians practically sent buses to get the migration moving and have kept the flood gates open for decades (even now). But maybe one day folks may see that the constitution meant to give elite and powerful men the means to do just what they want – even if it kills the golden goose.

This is one ironic mess we are living.

James C. Collier


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Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

Acting White: Blacks and Blue Eye Color

In an earlier and surprisingly most popular post (here), I explained why it is very uncommon for people of African ancestry to have blue eyes. What I did not say in that post is how some Blacks today, nevertheless, come by their natural blue eyes. I did not mean to imply that Blacks cannot have natural blue eyes. This topic applies to all light-colored, non-brown eyes, including green and hazel, but remember that there is a hierarchy of gene color dominance.

If a Black person has White ancestry (17% on average) on both sides, the genes that produce blue eyes can lay dormant for many generations, before suddenly appearing, ‘out of nowhere’. No, blue eyes does not prove that mom was stepping out on dad. However, if you look back in the family tree for a few generations you should see other examples of blue eyes popping up.

The other way, albeit more rare, to get blue eyes is by gene mutation of the OAC2. The idea of a recurring mutation runs counter to those researchers who believe that all blue-eyed people are related to one person with the mutation, who lived 6-10,000 years ago. Not sure when the issue will be resolved. I tend to believe the recurring mutation theory.

It seems that away from the equator, however, that colored eyes confers sexual advantage within dark-skin people, similar to that experienced by those with light skin. All people seem to be attracted to colors. I remember, as a kid, how the Black girls cooed over a dark brown-skin neighbor boy, with green eyes. He was the only one in his extended family with such eyes (that I saw). If only Smokey Robinson's eyes could talk (here).

So, are Black people color-struck when it comes to eye-color? If yes, is this a bad thing? Please be thoughtful, as these comments are likely to get a lot of reads.

Update: Check out this post (here) if you are interested in why people find blue eyes attractive. Interesting theory.

James C. Collier


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Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Mismatch Dot Com

I was watching some tube (aka flat-screen) the other day and caught my-self doing a double-take on a Match.com commercial. I cannot remember who came on screen first, but here I am watching a handsome black man, chatting it up with a pretty white woman, all thanks seemingly due to the good folks at Match.com. I could barely catch the conversation, but there was some light mention of basketball and soccer – huh?

Now, since when does a good looking black man and equally dashing white woman need anybody’s help hooking up? Get serious! At first I thought Match was trying to say that they can fix up anybody, no matter how oddball, but that’s just it – these two did not look oddball. Good looking people together never look odd, perhaps exotic in a forbidden kind of way. Think about it - a picture of two diverse good-looking people tearing each other’s clothes off, in a passionate frenzy. Now picture two unattractive same-race folks? Got it? OK, you get my drift.

Here’s the thing, the average-looking folks of any ethnicity will use racism to try to hold their attractive members in the fold, while freely giving away their ugly-stick victims. Every group needs their good-looking folks to stay put. Blacks did not want to let Mr. Berry get away, and white folks tried to keep Mrs. Berry in check, but each side failed, and viola – here comes Halle! Now, if only the girl had some sense.

I guess what I am saying is that the reason I never watch Ugly Betty is because Betty is not really ugly. She is a good looking actress who’s been popped with a faux-Hollywood ugly-stick. And Match.com is really in the business of hooking up folks who would otherwise disqualify each other too quickly, by virtue of some obvious flaw. The black guy/white girl I witnessed in the commercial might not marry and live happily ever after, but they certainly do not need any help recognizing each other - Match.com or not.

James C. Collier


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Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

Oppositional Culture and Social Collapse

The previous post, “Random Organ Donor”, demonstrated, via shock-irony, the key quantum mechanics principle called the Pauli Exclusion, whereby two objects cannot occupy the same physical space in time. In the YouTube scenario, ‘Gangsta’ meets ice cream truck’, someone or something had to yield, forcibly, if not voluntarily.

Besides demonstrating a key physics’ concept, the video foreshadows a more looming outcome facing us– social collapse. America once was a country where immigrant-minded people scuffled in order to grab their American Dream, that of owning their own business. In this case, it would be buying an ice cream truck and hoping that the product did not melt before getting it to the clamoring customers, the kiddies.

But what happens when a critical mass of the population, demonstrated by the Gangsta', take an ‘oppositional stance’ to the direction that our society has been slated these past two hundred-plus years? Not only does the Gangsta’ not buy or seek to sell ice cream, but takes specific steps to thwart the commerce of buying and selling of ice cream. If he is successful, the business fails and the masses go without.

Let’s be clear, this country has always harbored forms of internal opposition, to our benefit, but in the end they were always assimilated (along with their contribution) to the ways of the social and economic engine which defined our advance. I challenge that we have reached a tipping point where oppositional maginitude has arrested our progress, under the current engine (constitution). Watch the news on any given day if you doubt that our society has stalled, or is in reverse. It is not just about mothers murdering their innocent babies.

James C. Collier


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Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

Random Organ Donor

You must see this to believe it. This is not fake. There are really people this stupid. If you are wondering what was censored, the camera guy says, Oh Sh_t!

James C. Collier


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Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

Teaching Black Kids – The Uphill Battle

I just read a gripping (for me) article by a white teacher on the challenges of teaching black kids. I worked hard, emotionally, to get through the whole article (see link at the end of this post). My difficulty was two-fold. The author, speaking from his own experiences in the southeast US, largely failed to consider factors beyond the superficial. He spoke of behavior, not of what was underlying and driving it. However, I also realized that his job was to teach subject matter, not raise somebody else’s kids, or save a race. On the flip-side, so many of his words hit home, from my own classroom experiences and knowledge, that to stop reading would have denied the true depth and accuracy of the issues of the black classroom and community.

Last year I spent quite a bit of time in an all-black urban high school class, discussing current issues. In keeping with a nearly 60% drop-out rate for boys, my experiences were predominantly with junior/senior black girls. Like the author of the article, I found the students poor command of English grammar, spelling and structure as a big impediment to communicating and teaching them anything. Their conversation dynamic, loud and punctuated with interruption, precluded finding commonality. Simply stated, discussing high school-level/adult ideas through elementary-level dynamics results in elementary conclusions and learning.

Even more challenging is the simplistic and contorted view of racism and its contribution, where it has become the label for any idea, person, or event of which black kids wish to avoid – for whatever childish reason. Try to teach Newton’s laws of gravity and as soon as the kids find out that Isaac Newton was white, his contribution becomes racist and not worth their effort to learn. The kid who sees the value in separating race from subject matter runs the danger of getting Jones’d – verbally ridiculed – if not for ‘acting white’, at least for ‘accepting white’. These same kids, in fits of keepin’-it-real honesty, will tell you that without whites their world stops turning.

Oppositional culture has a headlock on a significant portion of black youth. The rap music industry, with the ghosts of rappers Biggie and Tupac (pictured), is the unofficial dissemination instrument and arbiter of this insidious unwavering dynamic. I take issue with a lot of what this teacher says on the surface (here), but I take almost no issue with the underlying vectors he opens onto black youth and oppositional culture. He suffers the superficial, but he is not blowing smoke. His fix as one person – to get out – is no fix for those kids he left behind, and I cannot fault him one bit. This is not what he signed up for, nor does there seem to be a plan for addressing it.

James C. Collier


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Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

White People – Too Smart for Their Own Damn Good

White folks are smart. I get it. I knew this long before I walked into Rome’s Pantheon, 2,000 years old and the world’s oldest and largest unsupported dome structure, 43.5 meters in diameter and height. There is nothing like it in Africa, the Americas, Asia, or Australia. But, it has always struck me that should not the smartest folks be those whose intelligence does not repeatedly get them into inescapable storms of conflict? Everywhere I look I see pissed-off white folks because of non-whites who are not suppose to be as smart have allegedly unraveled white ingenuity into chaos. Now, I’m not saying anybody else is smarter, rather that IQ scores, as we generate them, do not seem to be holding up the leading edge, especially if you listen to white complaints.

When the romance-language speakers first got the idea to capture and export slaves to the Americas it must have seemed like they had re-invented gold. The cost was fractions of pennies, and the cash flowed back with little effort on their part. Plus, when they were not working for the master, the captives made baby slaves to replace their old worn out, broken-down kin-folk. In hindsight, their plan was half-baked, due to this nagging problem of the slaves not having great attitudes concerning their pay and work conditions. In the end, nobody was happy. And now we have Detroit.

The Dutch and British were thinking the same thing when they landed in South Africa. They had beautiful landscape, great weather, and all these Africans ready, with the right encouragement, to work mining diamonds and gold. This is great! Just keep everybody separate and all will be cool. But again, here comes them frowny-face Mandela-worshiping black folks. Black S. Africans just could not get it together to enjoy the benefits of all those smart white folks telling them what to do. So why did the Afrikaners, in their smartness, not account for this?

The British went at it again in India. They got their hands around the country, but could not hold on to it. In a higher strategy of white brilliance, the British East India Company kept the Hindus fighting the Muslims and it was looking pretty good until this irritating fellow, Gandhi, showed up and peace-sat their behinds out the door. Mahatma had not a button, a belt, or a damn zipper, but he sent the empire on its way.

Not to simply keep piling on the Europeans, we can swing over to Asia and see how much of a mess the Japanese, who warmly refer to themselves as white-Asians, have made being smarter and whiter than the Chinese, the Koreans, and even the originals, white America. Now, I would be remiss if I did not go far enough back in history, say 50,000 years, where there were many smart Africans stirring up more poop than their smarts could handle too, despite figuring how to get off the mother rock in the first damn place.

These few examples (and there are more where these came from) make me wonder when the highest IQ folks will ever become smart enough to learn their lesson? As smart Tea Party folks strategize over fixing the ‘now-broken’ Fourteenth Amendment, American business has long-profited from lax immigration policy. But now, again, other smart white folks are unhappy, with many unhappy Mexicans sure to follow.

When it comes to high intelligence, it’s always good until the smart do-do hits the fan – but why are the smarties so surprised? After all, they are so smart. Between slavery, immigration, the new math, the old math, genetic finger-printing, DNA databases, the smarter the leading edge gets the closer humanity gets to extinction. I heard the Finns cooked a man in a 230 degree (F) sauna competition the other day. Now that’s crazy-tragic, and no one is smarter, per capita, than the Finns.

James C. Collier


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Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

Black Drownings in Shreveport, LA.

As a former lifeguard and swim instructor, I am haunted by the recurring tragedy of kids drowning, especially black kids. In a single event last week, six young people, ages 13 to 18, died at the Red River in Shreveport, LA. (here). How could this be? Single drowning is expectedly too common among blacks, where survey shows only 30% know how to swim, but six all at once? I had to noodle on this.

Maybe if I could explain why it happened, it would not hurt so much. Even with a good surmising of the events, I still ache when I think of what happened in a few short minutes. There are few things to note about drowning before I give my thoughts. For the most part drowning happens quietly, with little or no yelling or even splashing. Victims slip quietly beneath the surface. This is why on-duty lifeguards can often miss a close-by victim. Also, the urge to attempt to save another person, especially someone you know, is overwhelming. The hardest thing to teach a lifeguard is restraint when they cannot reasonably complete a rescue.

On the Red River, DeKendrix Warmer was the first kid in trouble as he realized a sharp drop-off in the river bottom, but he is alive today. So what happened? DeKendrix may not have been an able swimmer but his thrashing and kicking was sufficient to keep him afloat long enough to yell for help. It may be that his crude skills encouraged him into the murky water to begin with. Upon hearing his screams, his nearby siblings and mates of lesser ability would have been overwhelmed, and all six likely rushed simultaneously, contagiously and tragically into the deep water, immediately drowning.

A passerby and strong swimmer, Christopher Patlin, hearing Mrs. Warmer and other screams from on the shore, enters the water and pulls the still thrashing DeKendrix to safety. Again, he was the only one to make it out alive. The grief of young DeKendrix and the families of the victims must be unbearable. At this point, as a parent and YMCA volunteer, I can only plead that all parents get their children swim lessons, and teach them not to enter murky waters of unknown depth. Please!

James C. Collier


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Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

Omar Thornton: Mass Murderer

It never ceases to amaze me the myriad of agendas that surface and latch-on when some nut-job kills a bunch of people. If the killer is black, and victims’ white, he must have hated white people, or alternately, the victims must have done something racist to provoke the killer’s rampage, like called him the N-word.

While either or both of these accusations may be true, I submit that someone who goes on a killing spree, such as Omar Thornton’s, has major screws gone loose, well beyond being called names, or having a dislike of whites. Yes, Omar snapped, but the people who are jumping on the race bandwagon are off-base. You do not take off down Carnage Rd. ending with you putting a bullet in your scull because of racism. At least, not if you are a rational human being. Full state-of-mind should be the focus, before we jump to race, no matter what his girlfriend says or what the lunatic told his mother.

I suspected that Omar’s girlfriend of eight years, Kristi Hannah (pictured) was white, so I looked her up – yep, she is white. Now if black Omar simply hated white people, something in the puzzle is missing, as Ms. Hannah describes him as the kindest person on earth. If his workplace was a cesspool of racism, I doubt that all of his co-workers could/would conspire to keep it a secret. On the other hand, if Omar had undiagnosed mental problems, his killing spree behavior starts to paint a believable picture. I doubt that Omar's family is telling his whole story just yet.

In the coming weeks more will come out on Omar's history, his workplace, and his state of mind. There are other blacks at that workplace - what do they have to say about plant racism, and Omar? For now, people on all sides need to stop with how this proves their race theories, rather than what we know right now - that Omar lost his mind and a bunch of people who should be alive and well are dead.

James C. Collier


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Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

Barry Bonds Pimps National Association of Black Journalists

What do you call an organization of journalists who accept a gift from person on trial in Federal court? Unprofessional? Nope, that's too kind. Tu-stupid? Yep, that works.

I can't wait to read what these morons have to say in print, after they have cashed Mr. Steroid's check for $20,000. These so-called journalists are not only stupid, they are cheap too. Bonds probably spends twenty-grand a month on grooming his dog. Shouldn't that check have had at least one more zero behind it?

I think any members of the association who do not resign in protest should have their degrees, if they have them, recalled. Clearly, someone missed a class or two in journalistic integrity, and ethics 101. I will expect to see arguments of how Barry would have hit all those home runs juiced or not cause he just so talented, so we should just standing-O his shrinking biceps into the Hall of Fame right now. No waiting Barry, just go on in and get comfortable.

James C. Collier


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Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

Random Close Call on Boston T

I use to ride the T (Boston subway), but would not bet on the shamrock this plastered lady must have been holding. Transit folks are always catching hell, some deserved, but this train driver was definitely on top of her job. I hope she gets a bonus.

James C. Collier


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Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Rep. Maxine Waters Gets Her Ethical At-Bat

On the heels of Charlie Rangel’s thirteen-count ethical violation barrage, Rep. Maxine Waters/CA will step up to bat to see if she can get safely around the bases on a single count violation. It seems that during the most recent economic meltdown, Waters helped out a bank that contained a stake owned by her hubby. Bad Maxine.

Now, it is not a slam-dunk that Ms. Waters was completely out-of-bounds. There is no reason that a bank, OneUnited, associated with her husband, should suffer unduly because she is a congresswoman. After all, the whole idiot-banking world was scrambling behind the mortgage crisis. On the other hand, if she lent extraordinary help, or worked to influence the result, a $12 million bailout for this specific bank (which Treasury officials have denied), then serve her up, right behind Mr. Rangel.

I work in a familial, and majority family-owned, real estate development business, so I understand how easy it is to mix business relationships with family/friends and vice-versa. I see nothing wrong with Waters advocating for OneUnited, as long as it was similar to the way she hopefully helped comparable others. But, getting someone a crucial look-see and tipping the result are very different. If Waters’ mere involvement would cause undue influence (reasonably), then she crossed the line from the get-go and will have to face the music.

In any event, it does not look good for the Black Caucus, the Democrats, mid-term elections or Nancy Pelosi's promise to drain the swamp of corrupt politicians. Stay tuned.

James C. Collier


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Rangel Ethics Mess

First of all, this is really not about ethics, but rather the law. It looks like congressman Charles B. Rangel of NY broke the law, and, at 80, he is certainly old enough to know better. Simply put, he took never-free money. People gave him valuable gifts that the law says a person in his position cannot legally accept. The reason is clear, his vote in Congress is not suppose to be for sale, and the only proof of this is his living off his congressional salary. Period.

Now Mr. Rangel feels that his political legacy has been besmirched by these charges, and he wants to fight to clear his name – perhaps. Better yet, he would like to negotiate the charges down to a level where he can say he was a victim of sloppy accounting. I doubt this will happen, nor should it.

Does this erase a career of service in Rangel’s name? No. Does it taint his contributions? Yes. Does it make him unfit for office? Yes. Our political leaders need to be true to the standard of conduct that makes a vote at the ballot box worth something. Taking gifts from developers, hiding income, and the influence the gift providers seek, must not be allowed to poison our governmental decision process, even if it means dragging 80 year old Charlie Rangel behind the chariot for a few laps.

This is not a race issue, and I hope no one tries to make it into one. Blacks, most of them poor and ignorant of villas in the Caribbean, voted Mr. Rangel into office many years ago, when his predecessor Adam Clayton Powell found himself facing equally serious ‘violations’. At that time, Rangel made a challenging point for the need for honest representation for the people of Powell's district. Honesty meant something back then to the voters of Harlem et al, and should still mean something today. As they say in political-speak and with all due respect to his contributions as a war-hero turned policitian, ‘throw the bum out’.

James C. Collier


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