Jindal is clearly a smart guy, but just as is the case with Obama, smartness only qualifies you to teach in the university, not to be president. Leadership requires that people want to follow you, not run to the kitchen for a re-fill while you drone on. Jindal clearly showed that he is missing that special something-something that erupts when the director yells ‘and we are live’, with America on the edge of their seats.
The only person that seemed to like Jindal was Rush Limbaugh, and everyone knows that what Rush likes mostly is himself, pharma and money, in whatever order he can obtain them. He clearly sees these items in support of Jindal, but will quickly switch his tune when he can save face in some twisted-logic kind of way.
I am still a supporter of the two-party system, but the Republicans are not holding up their end. Their only political hand is to be supportive of Obama and hope that the public loses confidence, before the patients (we the people) expire. Critical progress requires that Republicans be more competitive, and that’s just not going to happen – as they, be they elephants or donkeys, are cut from the same bolt of cloth. So in the end the GOP needs to shut-up and let Obama and the Dems make their run at turning around the Bush debacle, until and unless the situation and people demand another change.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Acting White: Jindal Flops, Obama, Jindal, Rebuttal, Limbaugh, Acting White
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