Arizona legislators and voters have seen fit to thumb their noses at the constitution, by instructing its authorities, via SB1070, to require residents of that state to prove, upon demand, that they are in this country legally. The selection criterion is as vague as the individual’s appearance, in the eyes of authorities. So, to look like you are from Mexico is cause for detention and questioning. SB1070 makes no distinction between legal residents who originated, by ancestry, in Mexico, and those in the US illegally.
Now everyone knows that a lesser number Blacks commit a disproportion of crime, but our laws protect the greater number of remaining law abiding Blacks from the suspicion of law breaking, except for evidence beyond simply being Black. Why Arizona would choose to deny their Latino citizens equal protection is beyond me, except that they want to secede, and rid themselves of the Constitution. If SB1070 is allowed to stand, then our laws are not worth the paper upon which they are written.
When the southern states, prior to 1963, refused equal protection for Blacks, the government ultimately sent in the troops to enforce laws. This situation in Arizona is no different, today. The first time SB1070 is enforced should be the last time. Federal funds? - see ya! Tee-up the Supremes, the troops, and let's party. States that knowingly defy the constitution and its process should be crushed, period.
This is not to say that Arizona does not have the right, or responsibility to make state laws, police its borders, or verify citizenship. Rather, they must carry out this responsibility in an objective manner that protects US citizens from assumed guilt, and unlawful detainment. Giving authorities the right to ‘eyeball’ the application of equal protection based on ethnicity is stupid, lazy, and unconstitutional. Bad Arizona.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Arizona Secedes, SB1070, Illegals, Immigrants, Mexicans, Acting White
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