Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Seven White Attackers vs. One Asian Teen In Chicago

Wow! Watching this horrible scene made me wish I was there to even things up a bit. Who would be surprised if the Asian kid started carrying a gun after a beating like this? Who could blame him? Very sick. Very tragic. And on top of it all, repeatedly calling him a Nigga' speaks to the universal standard that demeaning blackness has achieved, and that's everybody's fault (within/without).

1/18 UPDATE: A Sun-Times article (here), sheds some weird light on the 1/15 attack. The attackers were white AND Asian (predominantly), with the oldest attacker, Raymond Palomino (17), whose face was visible in the assault, charged as an adult. Palomino's father is a Cook County sheriff. One attacker was female, and lured the victim into the assault. The attack may have been random, and there remains no explanation for the 25 instances of the term nigga' use against the victim, captured in the video by one of the attackers, via their cellphone. Tragic and weird!

James C. Collier


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