Rabu, 01 Oktober 2008

Acting White: NPR News & Notes

The good folks at News&Notes, with Farai Chideya, had me on their blogger round-table today, along with bloggers from Racialicious (Carmen Van Kerckhove) and BookerRising (Shay Riley). We talked about black folks getting blamed for the mortgage melt-down, the 'Dump Palin' campaign by Republicans, and PBS Gwen Ifill writing a book about Obama (with promotion tied to his winning) while she is set to moderate the upcoming VP debates. The discussion was pretty tame with good input all the way around.

Shay was a bit curious when she went off on a rant about 'big government' and the mortgage melt-down. I sensed that we needed to move the dialog along, but it seems to me that Greenspan and his protégé Bernake are way guilty of being too hands off with aggressive bank lending for the past 'umpteen years, while Bernake is now putting his fat-govt-fingers into the taxpayer wallets to clean up the mess. So it looks like instead of 'big' we have 'no' government preceding a good old-fashion shake-down. Maybe she will come on this blog and clue me in from the right. (She has a good radio voice, BTW).

James C. Collier


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