Senin, 08 Maret 2010

7-11 Muslim Funny Man

I stopped by 7-11 tonight to get some beer and got a bit I did not expect. As I approached the counter, the customer in front proceeded to engage the two Middle Eastern check-out guys in some chit-chat. They went along with his jovial banter and I thought nothing of it. As I put my stuff on the counter, the other customer exited - and then it got interesting.

The first checkout guy turns dead-pan to the second and states in a heavy accent, "so what do you think?", nodding toward the door, "gay or straight?" Huh? I must have had that WTF look on my face. The second guy looks at me with an ‘oh-shit’. And time froze.

And then time thawed. Second guy nervously interrupts, saying, "he didn’t mean anything, he thinks he is a comedian”. “Yes”, says the first guy in a serious face, “I think I'm funny”. I pointed at the first guy and said sternly, ‘look(!), for the record, I’m not saying shit to you or him, so when I leave, you better not ask your friend shit about me, you understand?’. Time froze again, for as long as I could hold my mean-mug. Then we all busted out laughing.

Call it a Rodney King moment if you like, we were just getting along.

Note: Picture substituted to protect the guilty!

James C. Collier


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