Rabu, 31 Desember 2008

Acting White: Blago’s Lame Pimp, Just Say No

So embattled Illinois Governor Blagojevich thinks he can pull a fast one on America by nominating a black man to replace President-elect Obama in the U.S. Senate. Blago is confident that Illinois black folks will accept this scum-ball move, and it looks like he has got some takers.

Congressman Bobby Rush admonished the public not to ‘lynch or hang’ the Governor’s pick, Roland Burris, simply because of the allegations hanging over Blagojevich. Come on now, such incendiary language is only designed to slam the race card onto the table, while striking fear into the hearts of any white person who would dare to object, and risk the R-label.

Well blacks are not taking the bait, so white folks can just put down their broad brush. Burris is an untarnished public servant who deserves more than the damage of this association, yet he has foolishly invited it upon himself. His former good name cannot shield him from Blago’s pimp. If Burris wants to aid the Governor’s antics, he will have to pay the consequences.

Obama has called for Blago to step down and withdraw from this distracting gamesmanship. Some blacks will certainly call Obama’s position expedient to pleasing whites, and this is an accusation the incoming president should expect. On the other hand, I am happy to see blacks just say no to the race card, understanding that using it to further advancement only sets blacks back.

James C. Collier


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