The real story is not how one man succumbs to temptation and tarnishes himself and his people, but rather how an entire culture - American culture - falls prey. While Madoff is a modified Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the rich, including himself, he is only one. It took thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of greedy people for him to work his criminal magic. Their lust for material wealth had them continuously looking the other way when he promised and delivered profits that were unheard of in consistency, over-top a volatile world. The story is of human greed.
To be clear, there are an untold number of Jews among the victims of Madoff, as well. But just as law abiding blacks cringe and pray when the newscasters announce fresh rounds of urban violence and death tolls (with not a white in sight), millions of law abiding Jews are shifting uncomfortably in their chairs over Madoff's billion dollar Ponzi scheme.
But a word of warning too, this post announces no holiday on this blog's policy of rejecting anti-Semitic vitriol. But if the future is like the past, the Jew-bashers will come out anyway and I will do what I always do - delete.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Acting White: Dear God, Don't Let Him Be Jewish, Bernard L. Madoff, Ponzi Scheme, $50 Billion, Arrested, Acting White
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