The flip-side of the thwarting effects of black oppositional culture, (here), are those reactions, such as what we are seeing this past weekend at Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally in Washington DC, wherein white people recall the days and ways of old. Trash-talking about taking back America with ‘old fashion values’ is simply code for reinstating bad decision-making of old.
Ronald Reagan was great at helping people remember, with fondness, those times when everyone seemed to get along in America, even if only because certain people knew their place in the order and kept themselves to it. Of course, this dreamy existence was bound to be short-lived, as those at the back of the bus became less willing.
And now, all that cheap labor from south of the border is not seeming so cheap after all. Let’s have a tea party to forget the fact that white businessmen and politicians practically sent buses to get the migration moving and have kept the flood gates open for decades (even now). But maybe one day folks may see that the constitution meant to give elite and powerful men the means to do just what they want – even if it kills the golden goose.
This is one ironic mess we are living.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: “Restoring Honor” and Social Collapse, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Immigration, Acting Black, Acting White
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