When the romance-language speakers first got the idea to capture and export slaves to the Americas it must have seemed like they had re-invented gold. The cost was fractions of pennies, and the cash flowed back with little effort on their part. Plus, when they were not working for the master, the captives made baby slaves to replace their old worn out, broken-down kin-folk. In hindsight, their plan was half-baked, due to this nagging problem of the slaves not having great attitudes concerning their pay and work conditions. In the end, nobody was happy. And now we have Detroit.
The Dutch and British were thinking the same thing when they landed in South Africa. They had beautiful landscape, great weather, and all these Africans ready, with the right encouragement, to work mining diamonds and gold. This is great! Just keep everybody separate and all will be cool. But again, here comes them frowny-face Mandela-worshiping black folks. Black S. Africans just could not get it together to enjoy the benefits of all those smart white folks telling them what to do. So why did the Afrikaners, in their smartness, not account for this?
The British went at it again in India. They got their hands around the country, but could not hold on to it. In a higher strategy of white brilliance, the British East India Company kept the Hindus fighting the Muslims and it was looking pretty good until this irritating fellow, Gandhi, showed up and peace-sat their behinds out the door. Mahatma had not a button, a belt, or a damn zipper, but he sent the empire on its way.
Not to simply keep piling on the Europeans, we can swing over to Asia and see how much of a mess the Japanese, who warmly refer to themselves as white-Asians, have made being smarter and whiter than the Chinese, the Koreans, and even the originals, white America. Now, I would be remiss if I did not go far enough back in history, say 50,000 years, where there were many smart Africans stirring up more poop than their smarts could handle too, despite figuring how to get off the mother rock in the first damn place.
These few examples (and there are more where these came from) make me wonder when the highest IQ folks will ever become smart enough to learn their lesson? As smart Tea Party folks strategize over fixing the ‘now-broken’ Fourteenth Amendment, American business has long-profited from lax immigration policy. But now, again, other smart white folks are unhappy, with many unhappy Mexicans sure to follow.
When it comes to high intelligence, it’s always good until the smart do-do hits the fan – but why are the smarties so surprised? After all, they are so smart. Between slavery, immigration, the new math, the old math, genetic finger-printing, DNA databases, the smarter the leading edge gets the closer humanity gets to extinction. I heard the Finns cooked a man in a 230 degree (F) sauna competition the other day. Now that’s crazy-tragic, and no one is smarter, per capita, than the Finns.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: White People – Too Smart for Their Own Damn Good, MENSA, IQ, Intelligence, Acting Black, Acting White
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