The reality of publicly eliminating the practical and/or symbolic leadership of a sworn and deadly enemy brings violence, and its epitome, the taking of a life, front-and-center onto humanity’s stage. Fighting and killing is what we humans do, better than anything else. The Navy Seals are our most elite example of evolved, expert, surgical-level, violence, but in the end it is all the same - the best killers that technology has to offer, killed a man. Killers, it is what we are.
I have a good friend whose young son is training in hopes of joining the Seals as an officer. On one side, I am cheering the kid on, because he is an ace and wants to defend his country in this way. On the other hand, I shudder to think of him as the killing machine the Navy will make of him. The sacrifice he will make for our benefit will be great. Those Black Ops guys must leave their souls at the gates of hell, less they come to think of themselves as gods. They have a target that they kill, retrieve, or blow up, without any consideration beyond the order. It has to be that way. FTR, Bin Laden is dead because that is what it said on the order, period.
We should know this about the killing, it cannot stop. It will not stop. Us or them. Them or us. Our planet is getting smaller with each smartphone. The human infestation continues, with a competition for dominion increasing from the leading to trailing edges of global society. It is happening in places like Kenya, and Tibet, New York, and New Zealand - by governments and street-thugs alike. I guess this is progress, to somebody.
UPDATE: Here is what the White House had to say about the timing of the Seal Team 6 rescue on the same day as Obama's 2012 State of the Union address. You be the judge.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: White Violence, Navy Seals, and the Death of Osama, Rule-of-Law, Seal Team Six, Obama, Acting Black, Acting White
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