On one side you have Biden, a career politician and trained lawyer, with a penchant for an attack-dog style and putting his foot in his mouth on lesser issues (gaffes). Not a change agent, rather a consummate insider. He did not attack. He tasted none of his shoe. And said nothing he regretted. Still, always a bridesmaid, never a bride.
On the other side you have Palin, a political new-comer and self-proclaimed evangelical hockey-mom. Consummate intellectual lightweight (five colleges in six years). Runner-up beauty contestant, small-town mayor, small-state (pop.) governor. Josephine six-pack, campaign spokes-energizer model. Didn't mention seeing Russia out her window. Winked and nodded at the camera. Tricked by that sneaky gay question. Admitted to not answering questions if they don't suit her (just about all of them).
I call the debate a tie against their respective benchmarks, but Joe is clearly about 30 years ahead in knowing something about anything.
However, when you throw in the probability of either of them replacing their bosses, due to incapacity in office, (with all due respect to McCain) the winner is ultra-clear.
BTW, Ifill's moderation was impressive, as expected.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Acting White: Biden v. Palin 2008, Joe Biden, Sarah Palin, Debate, Gwen Ifill, Acting White
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