Bush tax and oversight policies have failed our economy. Bush spending has failed the Republican platform, and made it possible that Democrats will control not only the presidency (a good thing), but also both houses (not a good thing). He lead us into a bad war, needlessly causing the deaths of thousands on both sides and wasting billions. He erased a budget surplus and doubled the country's deficit from 5 to 10 trillion dollars.
He has placed hand-cuffs on our crumbling education system, with No Child Left Behind, and done nothing while millions of citizens - families - are banished to the rolls of the uninsured. The impact reaches beyond our shores as well where, as Mr. Free World, he has stumbled and bumbled his way on a seemingly aimless journey, too often laid out by men of sinister character and motives, with names like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby, and Rove.
So whether you are an Obamamaniac, McCain supporter, or undecided, we are left with the stream of cold imploding headlines as evidence that the George Bush legacy is our country in one hell of a mess, which I doubt anyone will soon forget.
James C. Collier
Technorati Tags: Acting White: Post-Traumatic Bush Syndrome, George Bush, Economy, NCLB, Iraq, Acting White
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