Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008

Acting White: Raw & Real!

"On October 12, one of our reporters [Al Jazeera English] interviewed people attending a Sarah Palin rally in St. Clairsville, Ohio. It was raw and it was real.

Here's a sample of some of the comments the reporter heard about Barack Obama:

"I'm afraid if he wins, the blacks will take over. He's not a Christian! This is a Christian nation! What is our country gonna end up like?"
"When you got a Negra running for president, you need a first stringer. He's [McCain?] definitely a second stringer."

Sarah Palin seems to be the knife that John McCain is using to gut his own run for the White House.

Poor judgment simply does not describe what is going on here. Whatever one thinks of Obama, there should be no argument that McCain's stirring of such vile dens of racist cockroaches is the truest of political gifts, along (of course) with the hapless efforts of the clueless Federal Reserve and Securities and Exchange Commission.

James C. Collier


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